Historic Snow Storm in Louisiana

On January 21, 2025, Louisiana experienced an historic snow storm. We haven’t seen this much snow in our state since 1895. It snowed for eight hours; essentially the entire state was shut down. What made this snow storm unique was that the temperature stayed below freezing so that the snow didn’t melt for two days! It accumulated on the streets and interstates and on bushes, plants and yards. With everything shut down and no traffic on the streets; all the noise of the city was gone. The atmosphere was eery and quiet. The snow scenery was beautiful.
The weather forecast was for snow; but no one knew how much snow would come. If the storm went north; the snow might miss the state entirely. However, in preparation for bad weather, all schools, libraries, restaurants and banks were closed. Even Walmart and other large supermarket chains were closed! Everyone was told to stay home. Since Louisiana does not own any snow plows, the streets might be treacherous, we were told. Plus, the interstate is elevated and ice freezes first on the elevated portions.
As it turned out, the snow accumulation was the highest in over 100 years. And the temperature set records too, dropping to 7 degrees on Wednesday, the lowest recorded at the local airport and the second lowest in the city.
The snow began at about 4:00 am. It was very quiet and surreal.
The snow kept coming and coming. When we awoke, there was a blanket of snow everywhere.
We went outside to explore.
Even the street was covered with snow. Someone optimistically put their trash can out. Sorry, I don’t think trash pick is coming today!
The snow continued all morning. It was magical to us, with the quiet, elegant snow flakes falling everywhere
By noontime, eight inches of snow had accumulated.
Our little puppy was unsure about all of this and didn’t know what to do. However, as the day went along, she began to enjoy going outside and romping around in the snow.
The blanket of snow was quite beautiful. This was a very powdery snow; it was too fine and dry to roll into a snowman or make snow balls at this point.
The snow hung onto the leaves of my holly tree; you can see the red berries peaking through. I’m sure the birds loved this feast.
As the sun set, the snow was still present.
On the second day, the sun came out. Not a cloud in the sky.
A chance to enjoy the snow for another day. What a treat for us.
Here’s the cast iron plant just outside our front door. This snow is melting made interesting icicles.
The sun melted the snow on the roofs. However, the temperature was still below freezing. The melting snow froze as it came down; creating huge icicles.
Better be careful around these things.
We got in the spirit and made a snowman. Other folks attempted to go sledding and snow boarding. The levee at the Mississippi River made a good hill for these activities.
As the sun set, we knew this snow wouldn’t last long.
We enjoyed the snow for two days.
We are told that we not to expect another snow storm like this for many more years to come.
By the third day; most of the snow had melted. We enjoyed the snow while it lasted.