Boulder Lake

Idaho mountains have many scenic lakes and during a family reunion we visited two of them.

Boulder Lake is located about 10 miles from McCall, Idaho and is a 2 mile hike from the trailhead. There is 700 feet of elevation gain to the lake but the trail rises gradually most of the way. Our group ranged in age from grade school kids to retired adults and everyone made it to the lake and back just fine.

The lake has an elevation of 6973 feet which gives it a bit of an alpine feel. The mountain in the background is Buckhorn Mountain.

Boulder Lake is a popular destination for anglers. The lake is good for still water fly fishing for Rainbow and Brook trout though the fish generally are not large enough to keep.

This is one of the native Indian Paintbrush plants. Their colorful bract like leaves attract humming birds and other pollinators.

Another flower near the lake.

In the distance is a view of the valley McCall is located in.

At the Boulder Lake trailhead is Boulder Meadows Reservoir. Both lakes are no-motor but canoes or float tubes can be used. This is a 2 picture panorama.

Another view of Boulder Meadows Reservoir which better shows the reflections and what I think are interesting clouds.

The fishing information came from this article.

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